
Wild, Sacred Roots

A Weekend of Art, Earth, and Soul

August 12-14

Deepen your spiritual practice with a weekend retreat that will awaken your wild, sacred Self. Tap into your essence as you root into the earth, make art, and awaken your intuition with our workshops. This retreat takes place in upstate New York. It is an exploration of your relationship with nature and how to cultivate the most alive version of you. The weekend includes a wild edibles walk and foraging, drawing as meditation, sacred fire ritual, yoga, kayaking, re-wilding workshops and time honoring the Divine, Sacred Earth.

schedule: AUGUST 12-14


6:30-8:00pm Re-Wild Workshop & Yoga

8:00-9:00pm Fire Ceremony


10-11:00am Journal Making

11:00-1:00pm Wild Edibles Walk & Forage

1:00-2:00pm Lunch 

2:00-3:30pm Drawing as Meditation

3:30———– Free time: kayaking, hiking


10-12:00pm Re-Wild Workshop & Yoga

12:00pm-1:00pm Brunch

SPACE IS LIMITED, register today

Your ticket includes access to all of the weekend’s events yoga classes, re-wilding workshops, art classes, snacks we will make together from foraging, kayaking, fire ceremony, and Sunday Brunch with a cocktail. All for just $155. Space is limited so sign up now!

This weekend is an opportunity to connect to the earth, inspire the heart, and awaken the soul.


Lisa has been connecting people of all ages to nature for many years through her  love of the forest, water and everything wild. She has been a forager of wild plants for many years. 

Jacqueline Monette resides in Petersburgh, New York with her two fuzzy grey kitties. She has many passions including her love of art and using art as a vehicle for transformation and as a mindful practice. 

Suzanne empowers people to take healing into their own hands through the practice of Intuitive Living. Suzanne will be leading yoga classes and spiritual workshops this weekend. 


Spend a weekend with a high vibe community waiting to help you awaken your Highest Self. Leave feeling vibrant, clear, connected, and inspired. Get Wild!


The weekend retreat is in two humble locations in the Capital Region of New York. Stable Gate Farm & Vineyard and Dyken Pond.

Dyken Pond is a 134-acre lake in the towns of Grafton and Berlin in Rensselaer County, New York. 

Stablegate Farm and Winery is at 2085 Payne Rd, Castleton-On-Hudson, NY 12033

There is camping at Stable Gate Farm. Many Airbnb’s are nearby. You can book in any town nearby such as Albany, Troy, Poestenkill, Castelton on Hudson, Averill Park, and Grafton, NY.

Please bring:

  • Rain gear
  • Snacks from foraging will be created together and served on Saturday, Sunday a full brunch will be served. Other than that please pack a lunch for Saturday and bring some snacks for Friday night and Saturday day. We will be hiking, kayaking, etc. So make sure you have fuel to keep you energized!
  • Water bottles
  • A small backpack to hold your things
  • Wear hiking shoes, comfortable clothes for the outdoors and hanging on grass
  • Extra layer of clothing – it gets about 10 degrees colder near the lake
  • Yoga mat and props
  • Notebook/pens

Friday night – we will not be dining together. You can bring snacks. 

Saturday – we will forage and enjoy some foraged treats together, this is not meant to be a full meal; so, please bring a bagged lunched and some snacks for later in the day as we will be active through the day.

Sunday – we will enjoy brunch together at Stablegate.