
Sauer Kraut


  • 1 medium green cabbage
  • 1 red onion
  • 3 tbs kosher salt
  • 1 tbs black peppercorns
  • 1 tbs coriander seeds
  • 2 tsp fennel seeds
  • 1 tsp turmeric powder
  • 1 tsp paprika
  • 2 quart mason jars
  • clean stones or other weight for weighing the cabbage down
  • cloth for covering the jar
  • rubber band or twine to secure the cloth


  1. Discard outer wilted leaves of cabbage then wash and dice/shred the cabbage/onion. 
  2. Combine the veggies with salt and spices in a big pot. Fill it with water and slat. Put a plate inside the pot to submerge the cabbage. Soak it overnight.
  3. Drain it in the am, save 2 cups of the water. Massage and sample, if it’s not salty enough, add more salt.
  4. Stuff the mason jars as tight as you can pushing all the air out. Put clean rocks on top to weigh the cabbage down. Cover with the withheld salt water. Submerge the cabbage.
  5. Cover the mouth of the jar with a cloth and secure it with a rubber band. Put your jar on a plate to catch the liquid that will release as it comes alive.
  6. Push the cabbage down 2x/day. It will soften, add extra salt water if needed, and keep it submerged. Do this for 3-10 days. As it’s fermenting, place it away from direct sunlight and at a cool room temperature. 65-75 degrees. 
  7. Taste test the kraut after a few days, when it tastes good, remove the weight and refrigerate. Let ferment longer if the taste isn’t there. If you see mold skim it off asap and make sure it’s submerged.
  8. Store this for months. Eat with your meals. If it tastes good, it’s good to eat.

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