

sangha: keys to evolution

"Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much."
-Helen Keller

In yoga science we have a saying, “The company you keep is often stronger than your will.” We hold sangha (our spiritual community) in high regard because we understand that the evolution of consciousness is not an individual endeavor. Sangha is an integral part of creating peace at large and it is crucial in helping you attune to your higher Self and stay on the path of dharma. If you have a supportive sangha, it is much easier to to nourish your Spirit and thereby love those around you. Read on to learn how a sangha can help you and get tips on choosing a sangha for your identity evolution and spiritual growth.

In the words of Tich Nhat Hanh, “Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha are three precious jewels in Buddhism, and the most important of these is Sangha. The Sangha contains the Buddha and the Dharma. A good teacher is important, but sisters and brothers in the practice are the main ingredient for success. You cannot achieve enlightenment by locking yourself in your room. Transformation is possible only when you are in touch. When you touch the ground, you can feel the stability of the earth and feel confident. When you observe the steadiness of the sunshine, the air, and the trees, you know that you can count on the sun to rise each day and the air and the trees to be there. When you build a house, you build it on solid ground. You need to choose friends in the practice who are stable, on whom you can rely.” –Summer 2008, Tricycle.

Over the years I have tread this path alone and experimented with groups and mentors. While my ego really appreciated the independence and wading in its likes and dislikes and habit patterns, there was little growth and my perspectives quite limited. I fell off the path many times and gave in to my own weaknesses over and over again. I spent decades romping around the world as a nomad experimenting with this practice and that method, reading books, and collecting knowledge. This knowledge, however, was not the Supreme Knowledge of Spirit. It was a form of spiritual materialism also referred to in the Bhagavad Gita as lower knowledge.

…and so…I continued to wander, feel a sense of lack, loneliness, and uncertainty.

It was only when I sought out a guru and a sangha that I watched myself transform my life for the better and it happened fast.

The Vedas often compare the essence of Spirit to a seed. Tat tvam asi they say, meaning thou art That. “That” being the limitless consciousness, the Divine one, the Lord, Ma. You are That. If this seed is not nourished with good decisions and a sangha that you share values with, you may find yourself swimming in your samskaras (habit patterns) over and over again.

Being part of a sangha is putting trust in a community of peeps that practice transforming their lives for the betterment of all. AND….while it is a community of doers, working to grow spiritually and expand values of love, nonviolence, and freedom…it is also one that you don’t have to intensively work for to show up at. Often times, just being around people that are joyful and loving, that share similar goals and values is enough to bring about a transformation.

So, I encourage you to find a sangha and here are some prompts to help you choose where to go:

  1. Think about your long term goals (let’s say the next 5-10 years) and what you would like to accomplish. Who are you ready to become next?
  2. Consider what skillsets and habits you will need to develop to reach those goals.
  3. What values do you hold in high regard to guide your development?
  4. Search for a group that holds those values and supports your identity evolution.
  5. Make sure there is a knowledgeable teacher leading that group, one that treads that path with integrity, is loving, and sincere. Notice how they show up in their life and relationships. Make sure they are walking the walk.

If you want to fulfill your purpose and dreams it is crucial to find a sangha to support you. I have never once doubted the investments I have made on my personal growth and evolution. This life is short and I am here to live it to its fullest and fulfill my deepest driving desires. Otherwise WTF am I here for? Have fun exploring, getting to know others, and learning how to live in harmony and alignment with your TRUTH.

I lead a conscious habit evolution program called Healthwise for those of you looking to support your health, attune to spirituality, and fulfill your dharma. We onboard on 5/13. Message me if you want to chat about joining. You won’t regret it. We are all working towards building the best life ever for ourselves, our families, and our communities.

To a conscious, peaceful society.

We cannot live only for ourselves. A thousand fibers connect us with our fellow men."
-Herman Melville
Namaste, Suzanne
