
Food As Medicine

sleep elixirs and tonics

Nurture your physiology with grounding evening routines, nourish your tissues with these elixirs and tonics. Sleep deeply, rise with energy, live greatly.

Difficulties with sleep are very common in our fast paced culture. Lack of sleep generally occurs in those that are overworked, have a vata imbalance, or are in the afternoon of life. Loss of sleep is one of the quickest ways to burn ojas also known as the sap of our immune system or our vitality. In order to fall asleep and stay asleep through the night it is important to cultivate a steady daily routine that puts us in harmony with the rhythm of the natural world. Honoring this rhythm means recognizing that from the hours of 6pm-10pm, we are in kapha time. Kapha is an energy that declines and is supported by the elements of earth and water in the ecosystem. Aligning to this descending energy with a nourishing evening routine is key to getting nourishing rest. Think of putting a baby to bed, you don’t just throw the kid in a crib and voila they’re asleep! You nurture them with an evening routine: a stroll outside, a warm bath, a glass of warm milk, rocking in the chair, reading a book, singing, and finally a good tuck in. As you sync your circadian rhythm by getting to sleep by 10pm, you may choose to compliment the wind down process with any of the following:

  • Eat vata balancing foods. Foods that are moist and grounding such as milk, ghee, wheat, soups and stews. 
  • Stay hydrated.
  • Try one of the recipes below.
  • Turn off screens by 6pm, dim your lights to mimic the natural world. 
  • Enjoy an evening stroll and/or a wind down activity with your family/friends.
  • Give yourself a head and/or foot massage with warm sesame oil, brahmi oil, or jatamamsi oil.
  • Apply some cedarwood or lavendar oil to the temples or soles of the feet.
  • Take a hot bath to soothe vata and support sound sleep.
  • Start an evening gentle yoga routine.
  • Try an evening meditation and/or contemplation routine to help the mind digest the day. Give thanks.
  • Try the So-Hum breath meditation while lying on your back in bed.

mama's milk recipes

Warm milk is very effective in supporting peaceful sleep and lubricating the body. It can carry herbs deep into the tissues. The fat in it can help with constipation caused by dryness. These ojas builders are effective in other forms such as almond, coconut, cashew, and oat. All of them are pretty similar, warm up the milk, add the herbs and get ready for some deep rest. You may add a little sweetener such as honey, maple syrup, or turbinado sugar to them. You may also add cardamom, cinnamon, or ginger to any of these for better digestion. Drink these warm about 2-3 hours after dinner and 1-2 hours before bedtime. 


Golden milk is a detoxifier and immune booster. It’s great for the joints too. 

  • 1.5 c of milk
  • 1.5 tsp of ground turmeric
  • 1/4 tsp ground ginger
  • 1 whole cinnamon stick or (1/4 tsp ground cinnamon)
  • 1/8 tsp ground cardamom or 2-3 crushed pods
  • 1 tbsp ghee
  • 1 pinch ground black pepper
  • 1bsp sweetener of choice (maple syrup, honey, or jaggery)

Warm up the milk in a small saucepan. Add the herbs and simmer for 10 minutes stirring occasionally. Strain and add the sweetener. Drink while warm.

ojas milk

Ojas means vigor, it is  the element of our body that governs immunity, radiant skin, mood, sleep, digestion, strength, and even spirituality. Enjoy a cup of this tonic each evening to rebuild ojas. Can also be enjoyed for breakfast or as a sweet treat.

  • 1 cup of milk
  • 3 chopped dates
  • 10 almonds ground in coffee grinder
  • 1 tbsp coconut flakes
  • 1/2 tsp saffron
  • 1/8 tsp ground cardamom or 2-3 crushed pods
  • 1-2 tsp ghee
  • 1/4 tsp ashwagnadha (optional)

Warm up the milk in a small saucepan and simmer them for 5-10 minutes stirring occasionally.Drink while warm.


As you can see, warm milk can be had in a variety of ways to make it delicious and more effective. 

  • 1.5 c of milk (cow, almond, or coconut)
  • 1-2 tsp ghee
  • 1/8 tsp of a digestive spice such as nutmeg, pepper, cinnamon, ginger, garlic, cumin

Warm up the milk in a small saucepan. Ad the herbs and simmer for 5-10 minutes stirring occasionally. Strain and add the sweetener. Drink while warm.


This milk will help induce sleep while cooling you down. If you are challenged by heat or an irritated mind, you may have excess pitta which this will help balance.

  • 1/2 tsp anantamul
  • handful of organic rose petals fresh or dry
  • saffron sprig to help that pitta

Warm up the milk in a small saucepan. Add the herbs and simmer for 5-10 minutes stirring occasionally. Feel free to add a sweetener. Drink while warm.

other options


Mental fatigue and stress are one of the common causes of insomnia. Eating 10-20 cherries daily may help with mental fatigue and stress; thereby help you sleep.


Another natural tonic. Add 2 tsp of sweetener and 2 pinches of nutmeg. Enjoy about an hour before supper.


Chamomile is commonly regarded as a sleep aid. It has calming effects from the antioxidant apigenin. Apigenin binds to specific receptors in your brain that are believed to decrease anxiety and induce sleep.

valerian root

This herbal formula can also help you sleep as all three herbs in it induce sleep. Mix 1 part each of the following: tagar, valerian root, chamomile. Take 1/4 tsp of this powder mix with a little warm water just before bed.


Nutmeg is another sleep inducer. You can make a paste of nutmeg powder with ghee. 1:1 ratio. Experiment with applying this around your eyes and on your forehead before bed to help you fall asleep.
